About Nikki…
Well this is the page where I introduce myself. Hi my name is Nicole, Nikki for short and I will
be your gracious host while you are visiting.

The question I get asked the most is how did you start working from home? Then followed up with “How can I do the same?’ Well, let me say this it was not an easy task for me. I decided not long after my first daughter was born 9 years ago, I was on terminal leave from the military and needed to find something. I hunted and hunted and either everything I ran into wanted up front money which I didn’t have being a new mom or it just didn’t seem like the right fit for me or it just had SCAM written all over it. Yes, I have been burned by the ole’ internet scams lol…I think if you are going to be in this business you are pretty much guaranteed to get burned.
In 2008 I was introduced by a friend of my husband’s to a company that contracts at home workers which I will be discussing in much more detail within this site. Anyway I could never really get it going so I just let it be.
In 2010 we moved from the fabulous city of Las Vegas to a small town in Las Vegas when my father in law died. I quite my job as a shuttle bus driver to move. On our 3 day drive across country I told my husband that this was my opportunity to give this work at home thing another try and see if I could make it work. He of course had his many doubts but stood back and let me hold the reigns for a change…lol. 

Although my husband I knew was waiting to tell me I told you so I knew I could make this work for I had four things going for me:
So once we got settled in I started my at home job hunt. My first stop was to get going on my previous venture that my husband’s friend hooked me up with and then it went from there. I have now been working at home full time bringing in a full time income for 4 years now. Over the past 4 years I have learned a lot about this internet game where to go for help, what to stay away from and what really works.
Still it felt like I was working for someone else. I was still stressed still not satisfied. So I kept looking and finally I found it. Through many trials and tribulations I finally found it.
Now that you know a little about me and my experiences I want to share those with you and help any of you find your way whether you are looking for full time or part time income. I want to hear your success stories, your failures and anything else you want to share!
I do ask that you please be kind and respectful for these are personal experiences and only opinions of mine and others.
Welcome to my page it is great to meet you and I give you my word if your dream is to work from home like mine is you can accomplish it as well!!
