Tuesday, June 10, 2014



iDictate the other half of Quicktate.

About iDictate

iDictate transcriptions type longer files anywhere from 10-45 minutes long and are lectures, interviews, medical and legal.  With this company it is suggested that you have a working foot pedal and a transcription type software like  Express Scribe  and Microsoft Word templates.
You are notified through email that files are available, you request a file to the person on duty through Yahoo Messenger then they email you the file, you download it and type it and email it back.  They will email it back to you for any corrections that needs to be made.


The compensation is is 0.0050 per word, that is 1/2 cent per word and is paid every Monday along with Quicktate. 

How Do I Get Started?

From what I can see the only place to apply for iDictate is on Quicktate’s website.  When you complete your typing tests for Quicktate if you do really well you will be asked to take the test for iDictate.  So there is opportunity like I did to start right away.  If you are not ready, the test is available on your homepage in Quicktate to take when you are ready.

Final Thoughts

So far iDictate is looking like a pretty solid company.  There looks to be plenty of work as I get emails all throughout the day that work is available to type.  With pay being as low as it is this would not be a current income replacer but an excellent egg in the basket for money and experience on the resume!

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