Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Work From Home Starting Out

Work From Home                                                                                    

The Internet can be a scary place for a  person who is new on their search for the perfect work from home solution.  Shoot, it can be a scary place for a seasoned person as well.  You can place a search right now in Google and you will come up with thousands and thousands of companies and offers that promise that you will make $1000's of dollars in a matter of days.  


Working from home is the same as any other job, it takes work in whatever you decide to do, whether it is a customer service professional, blogger or an affiliate marketer.  It all takes work, dedication and motivation to do these things.  Unfortunately those programs that are promising  you that when you sign up you are going to make $500 or $1000's in a matter of minutes, yeah not going to happen. Now, maybe with hard work and a lot of know how you may be able to make a few thousand a month, but I don't know about you but I have a hard time promoting programs that I just feel like is a scam. 

Trust me, I have been on the search for the perfect work from home program for over 9 years, ever since my first daughter was born.  I have been scammed, I hate to say it, but on more then one occasion by these programs that promise the world. I would give them my money and make nothing. Maybe it was because I didn't know how, or maybe because I just didn't believe in the product. 

Through out my blog I will be discussing and reviewing numerous work at home opportunities that I have either tested myself or have found from a reputable source that I trust.  

THE BIG QUESTION                               

The question you need to be asking yourself is WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?  That is a loaded question isn't it?  Well you have made it this far, so you need to ask yourself, what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? In my experience there are three different kinds of people looking for one of three things. 

1.  Income Replacement - This is where you want to completely replace your current income with either equal or more money. 

2. Supplemental Income -  Supplemental Income is almost like a second job, you are comfortable with what you are doing now and the money you are making but would love something that would give you an extra income to put away for that vacation to the Bahamas, or spending cash for the kids clothes. 

3. Extra Cash - Extra cash is nice for everyone, maybe your husband or wife makes a decent income, you are home with the kids but would love some extra cash in your pocket to get your nails and hair done, or take the kids bowling. 

Whatever your cash need is I am sure you will find something here worth your effort.  Again, anything you do in life takes work and working from home is no different.  

If you find something, a program or opportunity and it has not been discussed here feel free to email me or post it on here and I will do what I can to research it and give a review on it for you. 

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